Online URL Encoder / Decoder

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Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About Online URL Encoder / Decoder

What is URL coding?

URL coding can be done by adding some characters to the URL by replacing them with some characters from “%” followed by two hexadecimal. The two hexadecimal are used to represent the numerical value of the replaced character.

About Online URL Encoder/Decoder

An online URL encoder/decoder is a tool that lets people encode or decode a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) using a web-based interface.

URL encoder decoder

URL encoding is turning a line of characters into a format that can be sent over the Internet. This is done to ensure that special characters, like spaces or characters that aren't ASCII, don't mess up how data is sent. On the other hand, URL decoding is the process of turning an encoded URL back into its original form. This is the opposite of URL encoding.

Developers and websites often use online URL encoder/decoder tools to ensure URLs are set up correctly and can be used without problems. Users can also use them to encode or decode URLs for different reasons, like sharing links or fixing problems with broken links.

There are a lot of online URLs encoder/decoder tools, and most of them work by letting users type in a URL or string of text and then choose the right choice for encoding or decoding. The tool will then give you the encoded or decoded string, which you can copy and put into the right place.

How to use this URL encoder and decoder online?

Most of the time, it's easy to use an online URL generator or decoder. Here are the steps in general:

1. Open your computer browser and use a tool that lets you encode or decode URLs online. There are many choices, such as and

2. Choose whether you need to encode or decode a URL. If you're unsure, check the URL to see if it has any special letters, like spaces, commas, or characters that aren't ASCII. If it does, you may need to code it.

3. Copy the URL or text string you want to encrypt or decrypt.

4. Copy and paste the URL or string of text into the tool's interface. This field may say "Input" or "Text to Encode/Decode."

5. To encode or decode the URL, choose the right choice. This could be an "Encode" or "Decode" button or drop-down option.

6. Once you've chosen the right choice, click "Encode" or "Decode" to make the string encoded or decoded.

7. Copy the string that comes out and use it as needed. For example, you may need to copy and paste the encoded or decoded URL into a web page, email, or document.

Overall, web tools that encode and decode URLs are made to be easy to use and understand. If you're having trouble, look at the tool's help instructions or ask for help in online forums or support groups.

What is URL Encoding and URL Decoding?

URL encoding and decoding can change a string of characters or a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) into a code that can be sent over the Internet.

1. URL Encoding: URL encoding turns a string of characters or a URL/URI into a safe code to send over the Internet. This is done by changing certain characters, like spaces or characters that are not ASCII, with a special set of characters called "per cent encoding." During the encoding process, for example, the " " space character is changed to "%20."

2. URL Decoding: URL decoding is putting an encoded URL/URI back into its original form. It is the opposite of URL encoding. This requires decoding the per cent-encoded characters back to their original form. For example, the series "%20" is turned back into the space character " " when decoded.

URL encoding and decoding are important steps in ensuring data can be sent over the Internet correctly. URLs or URIs with special characters or symbols not in the ASCII set must be encoded and decoded correctly to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings. Many computer languages and web frameworks have built-in functions or libraries for encoding and decoding URLs. You can also use online tools to do these things.

How does URL Encoding work?

URL encoding turns a line of characters or a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) into a format that can be safely sent over the InternetInternet. This is done by replacing some characters with special patterns of characters. This is called "per cent encoding."

URL encoding works like this:

1. First, the URL or string of letters that must be encoded is broken into individual parts.

2. The next step is to look at each character to see if it is protected. Reserved symbols are those that have a special meaning in a URL, like "/", "?" "&", and "#".

3. If the character is reserved, it is replaced with a "%" followed by the character's ASCII value in two digits written in hexadecimal. For example, the character " " for a space is changed to "%20."

4. If the character is not protected, it stays the same.

5. After that, the encoded characters are combined to make the final encoded string.

For instance, let's say we want to encode this URL: encoding

Here's how the process of encoding would go:

1. There are separate letters in the URL.

2. Since spaces are special characters, they are replaced with "%20" in the "url encoding" query string.

The full URL after encoding is:

URL encoding is important to ensure URLs are sent over the InternetInternet properly. It helps keep things from going wrong or being misunderstood, which could happen if special characters were left in their original form.

What is Percent-encoding arbitrary data?

Per cent-encoding, also called URL encoding, is a way to change data into a code that can be sent over the InternetInternet. This method involves replacing certain characters with a per cent sign and two hexadecimal numbers representing the character's ASCII value.

In web development, per cent encoding is often used to encode data passed as part of a URL or a POST request in a web form. For example, suppose a user submits a form with a text field that includes special spaces or non-ASCII characters. In that case, those characters must be per cent-encoded to ensure the server sends and interprets the data correctly.

Here's an example of putting any text into a per cent-encoded format:

Suppose we have the following string of text:

Hello, everyone!

Follow these steps to per cent-encode this string:

1. Change the ASCII value of each character in the string. For example, the value of the letter "H" in ASCII is 72, the value of the letter "e" is 101, and so on.

2. Replace any characters that aren't letters or numbers with a per cent sign and the two-digit hexadecimal value of the character's ASCII value. For example, the ASCII value of the character " " is 32, so it would be changed with "%20."

3. String together the characters per cent-encoded to make the end encoded string. In this case, the coded word would be:


This string can now be sent over the Internet without worrying about breaking the URL or the data being sent.

How does the Percent-encoding of unreserved characters work?

In per cent-encoding, also called URL encoding, unreserved characters don't have a special value in a URL and can be used without being encoded. These are the letters and numbers from A to Z, a to Z, and 0 to 9, as well as a few rare characters like "-", "_", "." and ".

When unreserved characters are encoded, the original character is left in the encoded line without changes. There is no need for per cent encoding.

Take the string "hello_world" as an example. This string only has characters that are not protected, so there is no need to use per cent encoding. The encoded string would be "hello_world," the same as the original text.

On the other hand, if the string has reserved characters like spaces or characters that are not ASCII, they must be encoded using the per cent encoding style. In the word "hello world," for example, there is a space, a special character in a URL. To encode the space, "%20" would be put in its place, so the encoded message would be "hello%20world."

Here is a description of how per cent-encoding of unreserved characters works:

1. Find out whether the character is an unreserved character or a restricted character.

2. If the character is not protected, leave it as is in the encoded string.

3. Code the character using the per cent encoding style if the character is reserved.

4. Add the encoded letters together to make the final encoded string.

5. URLs can be sent safely over the Internet without causing any problems with the data being sent by using per cent-encoding to encode reserved characters and keeping unreserved characters as they are.