Best SEO Tools To Improve Website's User Experience

Search Engine Optimization

Best SEO Tools To Improve Website's User Experience

08/28/2022 5:00 AM by harsh in Seo tools

There are many SEO tools that can help improve the user experience (UX) on your website. Some of the most useful tools include:


  • Google Analytics

This free tool allows you to track and analyze website traffic, conversions, and other important metrics. You can use this information to identify areas for improvement and optimize your website for better UX.


  • Hotjar:

This tool provides heatmaps, user recordings, and other insights to help you understand how visitors are interacting with your website. You can use this information to identify issues and make UX improvements.


  • Crazy Egg:

This tool provides heatmaps, scroll maps, and other visualizations to help you understand how visitors are interacting with your website. You can use this information to identify issues and make UX improvements.


  • UsabilityHub:

This tool allows you to conduct usability tests and gather feedback from real users. You can use this information to identify issues and make UX improvements.


  • UserTesting:

This tool allows you to conduct usability tests and gather feedback from real users. You can use this information to identify issues and make UX improvements.


  • Pagespeed Insights​​​​​: 

If you're struggling to increase the speed of your site, you may want to consider using Google's PageSpeed Insights. While PageSpeed isn't a ranking factor, it is part of Google's "Page Experience" ranking signal, which can influence your organic visibility. While the tool can give you useful results, you need to implement the changes it recommends to improve your site's speed.


Pagespeed Insights is a free tool you can use to test your website's load time. It measures the speed of your page by measuring the number of seconds it takes for your website to load. Although it's not a perfect tool for every site, you can use it to identify any problems.




PageSpeed Insights also provides a report that includes mobile and desktop performance. The tool provides both lab and field data to compare how fast your website is. While the lab data provides a controlled environment for your website's performance, field data gives you a better idea of how your website is performing.


While Google doesn't penalize sites with a PageSpeed score of 97 or higher, it still recommends that you make adjustments in the most critical areas. Although you might never reach a perfect score, focusing on the most important areas of your website's performance will yield better results in the long run.

  • Google Tag Manager 

Google Tag Manager is a tool to collect data for your website. It enables you to manage tags and event tracking with fewer lines of code. The tool can also track page views, which is an important ranking factor. It is also easy to use and requires minimal technical knowledge. It can also be used to perform remarketing, heatmap, and Facebook pixel actions.


Google Tag Manager helps you track almost every type of visitor action. Moreover, you can combine that data with other tracking information and analytics. For example, if you have an e-commerce site, you can track how many times visitors click on the "add to cart" button, and compare this data to other metrics.


Another benefit of Google Tag Manager is that it lets you store multiple tags in a single container. This feature prevents human error and speeds up the process. Another benefit is that you don't need to know coding to use it. Google Tag Manager even allows you to pre-test your tags. This way, you can make sure they're working properly.


Google Tag Manager is a free tool from Google that allows webmasters to deploy multiple types of marketing tags to their websites. It allows you to track user behaviour on your website and helps you write better content.


  • Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a simple SEO platform that offers a plethora of useful features. One of these is the Ahrefs Site Explorer. This tool helps you identify valuable keywords for your website, as well as who else is ranking for them. Ahrefs also offers several tools that help you understand the competitive landscape and how to improve your site's SEO.


Ahrefs also has a backlink analysis feature. With this tool, you can analyze your competitor's backlinks to see if they are creating any toxic links for your site. It also gives you a look at your competitor's metrics and organic traffic.


Ahrefs also offers a keyword explorer, which identifies the most commonly searched keywords. The tool also provides information on different types of keywords, including non-organic and tracked keywords. For example, it is possible to filter out keywords that have a high volume of traffic but aren't yet listed in SERPs.


Ahrefs also offers a free toolbar. Many of its premium features come with strings attached, however. Ahrefs leads in backlink building and user-friendliness and offers a steady stream of statistics, reports, and analytics. It's a good choice if you're looking for a simple SEO tool that can provide you with important information.


Ahrefs also has a blog and a Facebook group that provide regular updates on the latest SEO tactics. The company's customer support team is ready to help you if you have questions. The Help Center has over 300 articles to help you with any questions you may have.


  • Grammarly

Grammarly is a simple SEO tool that flags and corrects basic mistakes in your writing, making your writing more readable to humans and search engines alike. It does this by ensuring that you're using appropriate wording and avoiding wordiness. It also scans your content for plagiarism, which can be detrimental to your SEO efforts.


It's free to use, but you can upgrade to Premium if you're serious about improving your writing. The premium version offers additional features to help you improve your writing style and catch more advanced grammar errors. This version is best for freelance writers, business professionals, and professional editors. The premium version offers more tools, including an advanced editing tool.


While most good writers know how to follow proper grammar rules, they may not always be aware of the many different types of mistakes. Grammarly helps writers avoid these mistakes by highlighting problematic sections and explaining their impact. The app also includes a handy scoring system, so that you can check the quality of your writing.


The premium version of Grammarly also has many more advanced features. Besides improving your writing, the premium version also includes a grammar checker, which helps you create more SEO-friendly content for your site. Grammarly is an excellent tool for people who care about their content and are looking for an easy way to avoid mistakes.


  • Keywords Everywhere

Whether you want to track keywords on Google, YouTube, or other places online, Keywords Everywhere will help you track them. This tool is a browser extension that is free and available for Chrome and Firefox users. You can also choose which language or region to target your keywords. You can install Keywords Everywhere for free, or you can pay for the premium version for more advanced features.


Keywords Everywhere analyze content on a website and display relevant metrics underneath the search bar. It displays related keywords and searches terms, as well as their CPC and competitiveness ratings. You can also export the data as a CSV report. Keywords Everywhere can help your website succeed in the search engine optimization (SEO) field.




Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension that allows you to monitor the search traffic metrics of your website. It works with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools and allows you to keep track of keywords on several platforms at once. Keywords Everywhere are very easy to install and integrate into your workflow.

Keywords Everywhere offer a free version that offers basic keyword data, while the paid version provides premium data across a variety of channels. Its data includes data from eBay, Amazon, Etsy, YouTube, and UberSuggest.


  • SEMrush

SEMrush is an SEO tool that can help you boost your organic visibility on search engines. This tool offers a variety of different features for your website, including keyword research and ranking for popular keywords. Keywords are an important part of SEO, and SEMrush can help you identify the most relevant ones and improve your content.


With the keyword research tool, you can find out which keywords are costing your competitors the most and which ones are easier for you to rank for. The keyword suggestions feature in SEMrush is very useful and easy to use. You can filter your suggestions by difficulty using a dropdown menu. The tool is also a great resource to find out how many people are searching for your keyword and how much they're paying per click.


Using backlinks is vital for your online presence. Quality backlinks from authority websites improve your page's authority and trust. Google rewards sites that have authoritative backlinks. You can find backlink opportunities with SEMrush, and also check which sites are linking to your competitors. The more backlinks you have, the better.


A great feature of SEMrush is its ability to analyze all marketing activities. With 51 tools in its arsenal, SEMRush covers every aspect of marketing, from website development to content marketing. Users can use the software to analyze domains and optimize their SEO strategies. Its domain analysis feature helps you to find out the quality of a domain before beginning a new SEO project.


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